IV Drip Therapy for Seniors at Home


In the elderly population, dehydration is alarmingly common and can have negative effects. According to a study, up to 40% of senior persons living in their communities experience dehydration. Seniors are far more likely to have dehydration because of several factors, especially when it relates to health. Ventex Home Health Agency Inc. is a trusted provider of home health care services in Houston, Texas, that provides IV infusion to seniors at home.

There is a wide range of causes of dehydration in the elderly, how to recognize the signs, and how an IV Infusion Therapy can aid in the speedy and successful treatment of this dangerous situation. Seniors are frequently more vulnerable to this problem. Therefore, it’s crucial to look out for senior dehydration symptoms.

The body naturally stores less water as we get older. A reduced thirst response is another effect of aging, so you might not notice that you’re thirsty until you’ve already been dehydrated. Seniors also tend to lose more water in urine because renal function declines with age. We offer skilled nursing services with qualified healthcare professionals who are keen on the symptoms and know what to do.

For the elderly, IV drips for dehydration can be a quick and efficient treatment. The well-being of patients can be significantly impacted by treating dehydration. We also have a medical social worker who can assist and ensure that seniors remain hydrated.

Aside from senior care services, we also provide pediatrics nursing in Texas. To know more, please do not hesitate to call us.

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