IV Infusion Therapy: Top Benefits for Seniors


Seniors are at a higher risk of malnutrition and dehydration, especially as their body goes through changes. Vitamins and supplements can boost and support their health, but some seniors refrain from taking oral medications as they may affect their sense of taste. Fortunately, IV infusion therapy offers a convenient alternative! Learn more about its benefits below.

  • It promotes rehydration.

    With IV therapy, seniors can restore their body’s fluid balance quickly and efficiently! It can also refill electrolytes like sodium and potassium directly through their bloodstream without taking anything orally. Both sodium and potassium are crucial for healthy cells, and any imbalance can cause weakness and dizziness. With personal care services, seniors may receive IV infusion therapy sessions at home.

  • It improves nutritional status.

    Without essential nutrients, a senior’s body can be at an increased risk of developing chronic illnesses like heart disease, osteoporosis, and dementia. IV therapy helps seniors absorb the nutritional requirements their body needs! Contact a medical social worker or healthcare professional when you need IV infusion therapy today.

  • It enhances immune function.

    We know that a senior’s immune system can be easily compromised. The good news is that IV therapy delivers vitamin C, zinc, and glutathione to defend seniors against illness. As part of home health care services in Houston, Texas, healthcare professionals can assist with vitamin infusion anytime you want to try it.

At Ventex Home Health Agency Inc., our professionals are ready to administer this IV infusion to you or your senior loved ones at home. This way, if your physician requires you to get IV infusion therapy, you no longer have to go through a hospital stay. Contact us today to explore more of our services, including pediatrics nursing in Texas.


Blogs, content and other media uploaded online are for informational purposes only. Contents on this website should not be considered medical advice. Readers are strongly encouraged to visit their physician for health-related issues.

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